How to Choose Moisturizer for Dry Skin

With the right moisturizer product, your skin will be maintained health. For that, you know tips on choosing the right moisturizer here. Everyone will want to have healthy skin and manicured. The moisturizer is one surefire key to get healthy skin.

Moisturizers serves as a protector of your skin, to keep the skin always moist and healthy. However, before buying a skin care product, make sure you choose that suits your skin type.

Is your skin type?

This type of skin depends on a variety of factors, ranging from diet, hormones, age up to the weather.
Dry skin: We recommend using a moisturizer that is more severe and oil-based.
Oily Skin: Choose a light moisturizer and water based.
Normal skin: You can choose a light moisturizer and water based.
Sensitive Skin: Choose a moisturizer that is “soothing” skin, for example, which contains aloe vera.
If you still do not know your skin type, the easiest way is to use tissue paper taped to a few areas in the face. Let stand for a few minutes and see how much oil is attached to the face.
However if you are still in doubt, you can further consult with a dermatologist to determine your skin type.
How does a moisturizer?

Good skin care one of which involves the use moisturizer and sunscreen to ward off free radicals and adverse effects of ultraviolet (UV) from the sun. American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a moisturizer after bathing so that your skin can lock the moisturizer.
Moisturizers work in the skin by locking moisture in the skin’s outer layer. If you have dry skin, a material that can lock moisture are petrolatum, mineral oil, lanolin, and dimethicone. While glycerin, propylene glycol, protein, urea, and vitamin serves to attract water to the skin’s outer layer.
How tips for choosing the right moisturizer?

With the right moisturizer product, your skin will be maintained health. Therefore, choose a moisturizer that match these criteria:
See the content of moisturizer

Pay attention to whether your moisturizer contains active ingredients such as lanolin, glycerin or petrolatum which serves to moisturize.
Choose a sunscreen that is content
Make sure your skin is protected from the adverse effects of sunlight. You can select a product moisturizer that contains at least SPF 15.
Make sure that the products used are in accordance with the type of skin
Your facial skin is different to the skin of the body. Facial skin is thinner and sensitive. So make sure you use different facial moisturizer with body lotion. If you have dry skin, you can choose a moisturizer that such heavy textured cream is slightly thickened. Meanwhile, if your skin is sensitive, you can choose a moisturizer labeled hypoallergenic.

Follow This Easy Way To Skin Brighter
Fair skin is a dream of everyone, especially women. Many ways in which people keep skin looking bright, smooth, and fresh. But, if these ways are correct and appropriate? Here are some steps that secure at the same time easy to do everyday, to get clear skin:

Make sure the skin is clean
The use of makeup throughout the day increases levels of free radicals that are trapped on the surface of the skin. In addition, dead skin cells, dust, dirt, and bacteria can accumulate on the skin surface. So, wash your face regularly when it is noticeably dirty or sticky.

Select the appropriate skin care skin condition
Good skin care will keep the skin hydrated, more supple, and more bright. Products containing lactic acid or glycolic acid will make skin look brighter. If the use of care products over-the-counter can not make your skin brighter, consult a doctor to obtain the appropriate product skin conditions may be an option.

Use sunscreen regularly
The sun’s rays can make the skin look darker and more aging. Therefore, use sunscreen regularly can provide protection from the effects of sunlight is not good. With regular use, it is expected the skin will look younger and brighter.

Exfoliate regularly
Display skin will look brighter when the skin is smooth enough to reflect light. At the moment we are under the age of 20 years, change of skin will occur on a regular basis about every 28 days. But with age, the skin will turn slowed. Slowing skin change will cause dead skin cells to accumulate and buildup of dead skin cells will interfere with the reflection of light and make the skin look dull. Therefore, exfoliation is done properly and regularly will be able to produce a surface smoother and more radiant.

Add vitamins and antioxidants in everyday life
Vitamins that have been widely known to brighten the skin is vitamin C. Meanwhile, the combination of vitamin C and vitamin E would be able to protect the skin from the effects of sunlight is not good. Keep in mind that vitamins work synergistically with antioxidants in making the skin more healthy and bright. Both are derived from a variety of healthy foodsthat we eat, if you are worried adequacy have not been met, the addition of health supplements that contain vitamins and antioxidants can help.

Apply a healthy lifestyle
Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day and eat vegetables and fruits that contain lots of water such as watermelon, tomatoes, or cucumbers. The content of water is enough to make the skin look cleaner and make the skin look brighter. Enough sleep also will provide a good influence on the look of your skin, given the turn and skin repair process occurs especially when we sleep
How to Choose Moisturizer for Dry Skin How to Choose Moisturizer for Dry Skin Reviewed by GaryJ on April 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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